- Starter Kits
ルネサスマイコン評価のためのユーザフレンドリーな導入・評価プラットフォームを提供します。 付属のエミュレータおよび統合開発環境、サンプルプログラムを使用して、 キット購入後すぐにコーディングやデバッグ、ソリューションの評価を始めることができます。 - Evaluation Kits
製品パフォーマンス評価や特定の機能の初期評価用途に最適な評価キットを提供しています。 - Development Kits
ソフトウェアおよびツールを使用して低消費電力アプリケーションを評価できます。 - Demonstration Kits
ルネサス製品の評価および、デモンストレーションを行うことができます。強力なデバッグおよびデモンストレーションプラットフォームを提供しています。 - Reference Kits
製品番号 | タイトル | 分類 | 会社名 |
5P49V60-EVK | Evaluation Board for 5P49V60 Automotive VersaClock® 6E | Evaluation | Renesas |
5P49V6965-EVK | Evaluation Board for 5P49V6965 VersaClock® 6E | Evaluation | Renesas |
5P49V6965-PROG | Programming Kit for VersaClock® 6E | Development | Renesas |
5P49V6967-EVK | Evaluation Board for 5P49V6967 VersaClock® 6E | Evaluation | Renesas |
5P49V6968-EVK | Evaluation Board for 5P49V6968 VersaClock® 6E | Evaluation | Renesas |
5P49V6975-EVK | Evaluation Board for 5P49V6975 VersaClock® 6E | Evaluation | Renesas |
82EBP33814 | Evaluation Board for 82P33814 Synchronization Management Unit for IEEE 1588 and Synchronous Ethernet | Evaluation | Renesas |
82EBP33831 | Evaluation Board for 82P33831 Synchronization Management Unit for IEEE 1588 and 10G/40G Synchronous Ethernet | Evaluation | Renesas |
89KTP0504P-BGA | Evaluation Board for 89HP0504P BGA Repeater, 16-lane, 5Gbps, PCIe2 | Evaluation | Renesas |
89KTP0504P-QFN | Evaluation Board for 89HP0504P (QFN) Repeater, 16-lane, 5Gbps PCIe2 | Evaluation | Renesas |
89KTP0504P-QFN2 | Cable Evaluation Kit for 89HP0504P Repeater, 1-lane, 5Gbps PCIe2 | Evaluation | Renesas |
89KTP0504PB-QFN | Evaluation Board for 89HP0504PB (QFN) Repeater, 16-lane, 5Gbps PCIe2 | Evaluation | Renesas |
89KTP0504PBQFN2 | Cable Evaluation Kit for 89HP0504PB Repeater, 1-lane, 5Gbps PCIe2 | Evaluation | Renesas |
89KTP0504U | Evaluation Board for 89HP0504U USB3 Repeater, 2-lane, 5Gbps | Evaluation | Renesas |
89KTP0504UB | Evaluation Board for 89HP0504UB Repeater USB3, 4-lane, 5Gbps | Evaluation | Renesas |
89KTP0508P | Evaluation Board for 89HP0508P Repeater, 16-lane, 5Gbps, PCIe2 | Evaluation | Renesas |
89KTP0602Q-SATA | Evaluation Board for 89HP0602Q SATA Repeater, 1-lane, 6Gbps | Evaluation | Renesas |
89KTP0602Q-USB | Evaluation Board for 89HP0602Q USB3 Repeater, 1-lane, 5Gbps | Evaluation | Renesas |
89KTP0604S | Evaluation Board for 89HP0604S SATA Repeater 4-channel 6Gbps | Evaluation | Renesas |
89KTP0604SB | Evaluation Board for 89HP0604SB SATA Repeater 2-lane 6Gbps | Evaluation | Renesas |
89KTPEB383-QFN | System Development Kit for the PEB383 PCIe to PCI Bridge | Development | Renesas |
89KTPEB383-QFP | System Development Kit for the PEB383 PCIe to PCI Bridge | Development | Renesas |
89KTPES12N3 | System Development Kit for the PES12N3 PCI Express I/O Expansion Switch | Development | Renesas |
89KTPES12N3A | System Development Kit for the PES12N3A PCI Express I/O Expansion Switch | Development | Renesas |
89KTPES12NT12G2 | Evaluation Board SDK for the 89H12NT12G2 | Evaluation | Renesas |
89KTPES12T3G2 | Evaluation Board SDK for the 89HPES12T3G2 | Evaluation | Renesas |
89KTPES16H16 | System Development Kit for the 89HPES16H16 PCI Express System Interconnect Switch | Development | Renesas |
89KTPES16NT16G2 | Evaluation Board SDK for the 89H16NT16G2 | Evaluation | Renesas |
89KTPES16T4 | System Development Kit for the PES16T4 PCI Express I/O Expansion Switch | Development | Renesas |
89KTPES16T4A | System Development Kit for the PES16T4A PCI Express I/O Expansion Switch | Development | Renesas |
89KTPES16T4AG2 | Evaluation Board SDK for the 89HPES16T4AG2 | Evaluation | Renesas |
89KTPES16T4G2 | Evaluation Board SDK for the 89HPES16T4G2 | Evaluation | Renesas |
89KTPES16T7 | System Development Kit for the PES16T7 PCI Express I/O Expansion Switch | Development | Renesas |
89KTPES22H16 | System Development Kit for the 89HPES22H16 | Development | Renesas |
89KTPES22H16G2 | System Development Kit for the 89H22H16G2 | Development | Renesas |
89KTPES24N3 | System Development Kit for the PES24N3 PCI Express I/O Expansion Switch | Development | Renesas |
89KTPES24N3A | System Development Kit for the PES24N3A PCI Express I/O Expansion Switch | Development | Renesas |
89KTPES24NT24G2 | Evaluation Board SDK for the 89H24NT24G2 | Evaluation | Renesas |
89KTPES24NT3 | System Development Kit for the 89HPES24NT3 | Development | Renesas |
89KTPES24NT6AG2 | Evaluation Board SDK for the 89H24NT6AG2 | Evaluation | Renesas |
89KTPES24T3 | System Development Kit for the 89HPES24T3 | Development | Renesas |
89KTPES24T6 | System Development Kit for the PES24T6 PCI Express I/O Expansion Switch | Development | Renesas |
89KTPES32H8 | System Development Kit for the PES32H8 PCI Express System Interconnect Switch | Development | Renesas |
89KTPES32H8G2 | Evaluation Board SDK for the 89H32H8G2 | Evaluation | Renesas |
89KTPES32NT24AG2 | Evaluation Board SDK for the 89H32NT24A | Evaluation | Renesas |
89KTPES32NT8AG2 | Evaluation Board SDK for the 89H32NT8AG2 | Evaluation | Renesas |
89KTPES32NT8BG2 | Evaluation Board SDK for the 89H32NT8BG2 | Evaluation | Renesas |
89KTPES32T8 | System Development Kit for the PES32T8 PCI Express I/O Expansion Switch | Development | Renesas |
89KTPES32T8G2 | Evaluation Board SDK for the 89H32T8G2 | Evaluation | Renesas |
89KTPES34H16G2 | System Development Kit for the 89H34H16G2 | Development | Renesas |