

Quick-Connect Studio is a cloud-based design platform allowing users to visually create software prototypes for rapid validation and product development. Engineers can drag and drop hardware device blocks to build solutions, and the platform auto-generates software for no-code development. Quick-Connect boards with standard connections are then available for users to deploy the auto-generated software to test within a matter of minutes.

Quick-Connect Studio has broadened its scope to enable real-time code customization and remote debugging. Remote debugging with global deployments enable engineers across the world to test the system iteratively before proceeding to build with the actual boards.

Launch Quick-Connect Studio


  • Drag and drop components or subsystems to create a system solution and expedite product development
  • Auto-generate production level software with no-code development to accelerate project validation
  • Get a working prototype using Quick-Connect Studio and boards within 10 minutes
  • Real-time code customization to meet unique product requirements
  • Remote debugging feature is introduced which enables iteratively testing the hardware before building with physical boards
  • Global deployments that enable robust connection to remote hardware from anywhere at anytime

Target Devices


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Software & Tools - Software 日本語 , 简体中文
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Design & Development

Related Boards & Kits

Boards & Kits

Quick-Connect Studio: Rapid Cloud-Based Solution Development Environment

Renesas' Quick-Connect Studio, is an innovative platform that allows engineers to perform hardware and software development simultaneously enabling designers to build software immediately with the ability to quickly reconfigure and test product ideas. This yields dramatic time savings and reduces risk as engineers can validate designs before committing to hardware layout. Check out Renesas.com/qcstudio and get started on your design today.