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Universal USB Converter for USB-UART, USB-I2C, USB-I3C



The rise of IoT and embedded systems has increased the demand for flexible and universal connectivity solutions, where connecting different hardware components to a PC for testing, programming, and debugging is crucial. The ability to connect various devices through a single USB interface simplifies workflows and enhances productivity, especially in environments requiring frequent hardware testing and configuration.

This universal USB converter allows users to connect any Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART), Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C), and even the latest Improved Inter-Integrated Circuit (I3C) devices via flexible cables to a PC using a terminal program or dedicated software. This reduces the complexity of hardware interfacing, making it easier for developers to connect, control, and visualize their hardware setups. The converter can also be easily adapted with Pmod™ boards, including Renesas QuickConnect IoT boards.

System Benefits:

  • Universal connection of any hardware via USB-UART, USB-SPI, USB-I2C, or USB-I3C with a flexible cable connection provides versatility in connecting to a wide range of devices.
  • Compatibility with various Pmod boards, including Renesas QuickConnect IoT boards, facilitates faster prototyping and development.
  • Control and visualization via a standard terminal program on the PC side (or dedicated PC software) enhances user experience.
  • Semi-automatic switching between Pmod Type 2A (SPI), Type 3A (UART), and Type 6A (I2C) increases efficiency by reducing manual configuration time.
  • Integrated regulator down to 3.3V with low noise provides stable power to connected devices, improving the reliability and performance of the hardware during testing and operation.



  • Connect any UART, SPI, I2C or I3C to PC via USB

Winning Combinations Interactive Diagram

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4:3 ratio Sheet.1 Sheet.2 Sheet.3 Sheet.4 EU192 EU192 EU192 USB Connector (1-2 PCDCs) USB Connector (1-2 PCDCs) USB Connector (1-2 PCDCs) PMOD (f) Connector 12pin Type 2A (SPI) *or* Type 3A (UART) *or* Type 6A (12C) PMOD (f) Connector 12pin Type 2A (SPI) or Type 3A (UART) or* ... PMOD (f) Connector 12pin Type 2A (SPI) or Type 3A (UART) or*Type 6A (I2C) PMOD (f) Connector 12pin Type xA (13C) PMOD (f) Connector 12pin Type xA (I3C) PMOD (f) Connector 12pin Type xA (I3C) UART Pin Headers UART Pin Headers UART Pin Headers JTAG 9pin JTAG 9pin JTAG 9pin Sheet.34 Sheet.35 Sheet.36 Sheet.37 Sheet.39 Sheet.40 Sheet.41 Sheet.42 Sheet.43 Sheet.44 Sheet.45 Sheet.46 Sheet.47 Sheet.48 Sheet.49 Sheet.50 Sheet.51 Sheet.52 Sheet.53 Sheet.54 Sheet.55 Sheet.56 Sheet.57 Sheet.58 Sheet.59 Sheet.60 Sheet.61 Sheet.62 Sheet.63 Sheet.66 5V 5V 5V 2 2 2 2 Sheet.70 Connector 1.157 8 8 8 8 Sheet.74 Diode Sheet.77 Sheet.78 Sheet.79 Connector 1.157.80 Connector 1.157.84 Connector 1.157.87 3.3 V 3.3V 3.3V 3.3V 3.3V 3.3V Sheet.90 Sheet.91 Sheet.101 Sheet.100 Sheet.93 Sheet.94 Sheet.95 Sheet.96 Sheet.97 Sheet.98 Sheet.99 Optional Optional Optional Connector 1.157.103 2 2 2 2 Sheet.109 2 2 2 2 Sheet.112 2..4 2..4 2..4 2..4 Sheet.115 2..4 2..4 2..4 2..4 Sheet.118 5 5 5 5 Sheet.121 2 2 2 2 Sheet.127 IO Control IO Control IO Control Diode - IR Infrared Sheet.140 Sheet.141 Sheet.142 Sheet.143 Sheet.144 Darlington.651 Sheet.146 Darlington.254 Sheet.148 Sheet.149 Sheet.150 Sheet.151 Sheet.152 Sheet.153 Sheet.154 User-Button(s) User-Button(s) User-Button(s) User LED(s) User LED(s) User LED(s) 9 9 9 9 Sheet.159 Power Ctrl Power Ctrl Power Ctrl Power Ctrl Power Ctrl Power Ctrl 500mA LDO 500mA LDO 500mA LDO P-FET Switch 2 P-FET Switch P-FET Switch P-FET Switch 1 P-FET Switch P-FET Switch Sheet.163 Pin Switch Matrix Pin Switch Matrix Pin Switch Matrix Vcc2 Vcc2 Vcc2 Vcc1 Vcc1 Vcc1 Sheet.164 MCU MCU MCU USB USB USB Vdd Vdd Vdd HS Osc. HS Osc. HS Osc. GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIOs or 12C GPIOs or I2C GPIOs or I2C IRQ IRQ IRQ GPIO GPIO GPIO SCI#1 SCI#1 SCI#1 Debug Debug Debug SCI#2 SCI#2 SCI#2 13C I3C I3C GPIO/IRQ GPIO/IRQ GPIO/IRQ GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO
Exiting Interactive Block Diagram