

Smart wake up solution enables low power consumption standby with RX140 capacitive touch evaluation system (RTK0EG0039S01001BJ) and Touchless demo.

Reference designs


  • Low power consumption standby with about 90% less current consumption than conventional consumption (with 12ch)
    • "Automatic judgment function", "Multiple electrode connection function" and "Snooze mode" greatly reduce current consumption
  • Quick – Evaluation tool is ready to use
    • Hardware and sample software are ready to use
  • Proposal of applications assuming use cases
    • Preparing a demonstration of use cases for proximity operation, which is in high demand these days



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RX140 Smart Wake Up Solution

This video introduces a smart wake-up solution that can reduce standby current consumption by more than 90% compared to conventional products. The hardware uses the RX140 capacitive touch evaluation system and touchless button demo.

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