Number of H8S/H8SX Multiplication Instruction Execution Cycles

Operation Number of Execution Cycles
Unsigned Multiplication
16 bits x 16 bits — 32 bits
8 bits x 8 bits — 16 bits
3 - 4 1
Signed Multiplication
16 bits x 16 bits — 32 bits
8 bits x 8 bits — 16 bits
4 - 5 2
Unsigned Multiplication
Rd x Rs — Rd (lower 32 bits/lower 16 bits)
2 - 5
Signed Multiplication
Rd x Rs — Rd (lower 32 bits/lower 16 bits)
2 - 5
Unsigned Multiplication
Rd x Rs — Rd (upper 32 bits)
Signed Multiplication
Rd x Rs — Rd (upper 32 bits)

Number of H8S/H8SX Division Instruction Execution Cycles

Operation Number of Execution Cycles
Unsigned Division
16 bits/8 bits — 8 bits with a remainder of 8 bits
32 bits/16 bits — 16 bits with a remainder of 16 bits
12 - 20 10 - 18
Signed Division
16 bits/8 bits — 8 bits with a remainder of 8 bits
32 bits/16 bits — 16 bits with a remainder of 16 bits
14 - 21 12 - 20
Unsigned Division
Rd/Rs — Rd (quotient of 16 bits/ a quotient of 32 bits)
10 - 18
Signed Division
Rd/Rs — Rd (quotient of 16 bits/a quotient of 32 bits)
11 - 19

Configuration of General Registers

Configuration of General Registers

How to Use General Registers

How to Use General Registers

H8SX Vector Base Register (VBR) Usage Example

H8SX Vector Base Register Usage Example

H8SX Short Address Base Register (SBR) Usage Example

H8SX Short Address Base Register Usage Example

1. Support for Operations Using Memory

Additional instructions = Basic operations (add-subtract/logic) × basic addressing

Example: Adjustment of Long Word Data in Memory

Adjustment of Long Word Data in Memory

2. Improved Addressing Mode - For Arrays

Example: Data from Address d to Address x is Written to a Register (Word Data)

Improved Addressing Mode - For Arrays

Bit Field Transfer (1)

*BFLD (Bit Field LoaD)

Example: The specified field where source operand is assigned and transferred to the 8-bit register Rd from the lower bits. The bit field is specified by the bit which is set to 1 in the 8-bit immediate data.

H8SX Memory Bit Field Transfer - Load

Bit Field Transfer (2)

>BFST (Bit Field STore)

Contents of 8-bit register Rs are transferred to the field where the destination operand is specified. The bit field is specified by the bit which is set to 1 in the 8-bit immediate data.

H8SX Memory Bit Field Transfer - Store