The 70V08 is a high-speed 64K x 8 Dual-Port Static RAM designed to be used as a stand-alone 512K-bit Dual-Port SRAM or as a combination MASTER/SLAVE Dual-Port SRAM for 16-bit-or-more word systems which results in full speed, error-free operation without the need for additional discrete logic. An automatic power down feature controlled by the chip enables (either CE0 or CE1) permit the on-chip circuitry of each port to enter a very low standby power mode.
- True Dual-Ported memory cells which allow simultaneous reads of the same memory location
- 70V08 easily expands data bus width to 16 bits or more
- Dual chip enables allow for depth expansion without external logic
- Busy and Interrupt Flag
- On-chip port arbitration logic
- Full on-chip hardware support of semaphore signaling between ports
- Fully asynchronous operation from either port
- TTL-compatible, single 3.3V (±0.3V) power supply
- Available in 100-pin TQFP packages
- Industrial temperature range (-40C to +85C) is available
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