

Quick-Connect Studio is an online, cloud-based design platform that enables users to graphically build hardware and software to quickly validate prototypes and accelerate product development. With Quick-Connect Studio, engineers can visually drag and drop device and subsystem blocks on the Cloud to build their solution. The platform automatically generates, compiles, and builds software to enable no-code development. Users can build a full solution in the cloud and quickly deploy to hardware in less than 10 minutes. Quick-Connect Studio is built on the Quick-Connect IoT platform, which features industry-standard interfaces for designers to seamlessly connect and expand beyond Renesas.

Launch Quick-Connect Studio


  • Drag and drop components or subsystems to create a full solution
  • Auto-generate production level software with no-code development to accelerate project validation 
  • Go from subsystems to a full working solution in just minutes
  • Graphically configure hardware to match real-world expectations
  • Supports standard hardware interfaces to seamlessly mix and match multiple boards
  • Build a quick system prototype using standard kits and expand beyond Renesas to ecosystem partners and community boards 

Release Information

  • Currently supporting EK-RA2E1 and EK-RA6M4 MCUs, DA14531 BLE and DA16200 Wi-Fi Connectivity, and the HS3001 humidity and temperature and FS1015/FS3000 gas flow sensors
  • Will continue to expand support across additional MCU, Connectivity, and Sensors from the Renesas portfolio as well as various partner solutions 

Target Devices


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Software & Tools - Software 日本語 , 简体中文
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Design & Development

Related Boards & Kits

Boards & Kits

Quick-Connect Studio: Rapid Cloud-Based Solution Development Environment

Renesas' Quick-Connect Studio, is an innovative platform that allows engineers to perform hardware and software development simultaneously enabling designers to build software immediately with the ability to quickly reconfigure and test product ideas. This yields dramatic time savings and reduces risk as engineers can validate designs before committing to hardware layout. Check out Renesas.com/qcstudio and get started on your design today.