
Glossary of Common Terms

AC (Autoclave)

Unbiased Temperature/Humidity (JESD22-A102) not recommended.


An online archiving system which houses electronic copies of Purchasing Documents and may include Purchase Orders and supplemental Purchase Reqs, Quotations, E-mails, Acknowledgements, packing slips, etc.

Advance Datasheet

An Advance datasheet is used to guide design verification and is created after prototypes samples are received and prior to design verification. Specifications details may be changed without notice.

Alternate Source

A qualified assembly facility that will be used as alternate source for a qualified package and material


Asia Pacific sales organization. Does not include Japan.

Assembly Subcontractors

Denotes any manufacturer that assembles integrated circuits, or performs any portion of the assembly manufacturing processes / test for IDT.


Auditing is defined as a verification of conformance to specified and documented procedures, and evaluating such procedures as related to Government, ISO 9001 Quality System, ISO-14001 Environmental Management System Requirements, OHSAS 18001 Requirements and Customer specifications as well as Good Manufacturing Practices, and Industry Standards.

Autoclave (SPP)

The unbiased autoclave test (also known as "pressure cooker test", "saturated pressure pot," or simply "pressure pot") is used to evaluated the moisture resistance of non-hermetic packages and die-related failure mechanisms, such as mobile ion contamination.

Automated Manufacturing Order (AMO):

Work flow system that automates manufacturing orders (MO) on a client based system.

Back-End Manufacturing

Denotes any service group that performs Tape and Reel, Plating, Lead Coplanarity, Marking, Mark Removal, and Burn-In Services for IDT.

Base Device

The device in a product set that is used to identify the group of products. This is defined by product line production control before the start of the qualification and is subsequently used by in the Fab QPL and Microcircuit Family listing

Baseline Documents

A manufacturer's internal specifications which have been deemed adequate by IDT Quality Assurance as substitutes for one or more IDT procurement documents noted in the applicable specification. Any IDT imposed quality standard incorporated anywhere within manufacturer's procedures, process controls or quality standards (whether or not an IDT specification is directly referenced).

Blister Pack

Individual packaging connected in a strip made of static dissipative or anti-static flexible plastic material.


Bill of Materials

Bond Pull

A test designed to evaluate the integrity of the wirebond/bonding pad interface of hermetic components


IDT Manufacturing Specification, which defines the materials to be used in the assembly of the lot, and defines the internal connections between the die and the package.

Burn-In Split

A further division of an assembly lot formed at the start of burn-in (usually dictated by the number of burn-in sockets available at one time for processing), for homogeneous processing. Burn-in splits are assigned a code behind the assembly lot number. Burn-in splits are independent lots receiving individual PDA calculation and Group A sampling for each split. Each burn-in split is documented on its own test and burn-in travelers.

Burn-In/Load/Test Boards Manufactures

Denotes any manufacturer that builds Burn-In, Load, Test Boards for IDT’s Test and Burn-In Operations.

Capability Determination

the process of quantifying the capability of the process by measuring the process centering and variation from collected data. Capability is measured with the Process Potential (Cp) and Process Capability Index (Cpk).


Corrective Action Request. A customer or internal request for IDT to document the action taken to correct a discrepancy that is found.


Critical Dimension


Customer Specification Response Notification


Device used to view archive data for retrieval access

Certified Trainer

An IDT employee who has been trained and Certified (by the cognizant Engineer, Supervisor or Manager, or by an accredited classroom training course) on how to train and cretify Operators/Inspectors in a work area(s) for which they have extensive experience and previously have been certified as an Operator / Inspector.

Charge to Breakdown (Qbd) Test

Another test to measure the reliability of dielectric layers

Class 1 Change

A MIL-STD-973 specified category, which signifies that in the professional judgment of the applicable QA manager, the proposed change may affect a product's form, fit or function. In others words, the product's electrical and/or mechanical functionality will be changed such that it will no longer conform to the current IDT and/or customer's specification.

Class 2 Change

A MIL-STD-973 specified category which signifies that in the professional opinion of the applicable QA manager the proposed change will not affect a product's form, fit or function as defined above.


Chemical Mechanical Polishing - process used for planarization of deposited films (such as Tungston, inter-metal dielectric films)


Change Order - A revision to an existing Purchase document.

Component Distributor

A firm that buys IDT product in bulk, stores the product and sells the product

Consignment RMA

Return of material being stored at a consignment location and are being returned to an IDT plant. The goods have not been invoiced and are $0. Consignment RMA's are issued through customer service and have SAP assigned numbers beginning with the number five. (i.e. 50000264)

Control Number

A tracking number issued for RMA's received by QA. Control numbers are assigned a sequential number with a prefix designator P for materials received in Penang. Example : P0025-001 P = Penang Received Material Return 00 = Last 2 digits of the year received 25 = Work week received 001 = Sequential number of RMA received that week NOTE : RMA product is "received" and issued a control number if the IDT receiving site is the initial point of receipt from customer (or field representative). The Control # is used as the point of establishing the Customer FAR cycle time and for recording the incident for Finance to issue credit. RMA material "received" at one site and transferred to another is not issued a Control number

Controlled Documents

Specification on paper bearing the RED "Controlled Copy" stamp and documents in DCP systems are considered "controlled"

Controlled Spec Station

The Document Control Website is considered a controlled station.


(Single sided process performance chart) - A unitless index which reflects the current operating relationship of a single sided distribution to the desired Upper or lower limit.


Customers-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism is a voluntary government business initiative to build cooperative relationships that strengthen and improve overall international supply chain and U.S. border security.

Customer Specific SCD

SCD written to a particular customer drawing and revision but not assigned to a particular purchase order

Datasheet (Production Stage Datasheet)

A Datasheet (also known as a Production Stage Datasheet) defines the long-term specified production limits. Datasheets contain min and max parameters as calculated by using characterization data. Minor changes which do not affect the form, fit, function, quality, or reliability of the product are acceptable. Datasheets are typically posted on the IDT external web

Destruct Date

Date assigned by Document Control's IDT's Customers for destruction of critical data stored in designated Banker'Boxes


For the purpose of this specification, this category applies to the techniques used to purposely introduce, drive in, and/or change the profile of dopants in silicon. For example diffusion in a quartz tube or ion implantation and alloying such as RTA (rapid thermal annealing)

Direct Material

Material used in the physical makeup of product during the manufacturing process. All direct materials are considered critical. Examples: Raw Silicon, Chemicals, etc.


Environmental Audit Report


Engineering Assembly Test Request, an engineering processing-deviation document, created by Product Engineering (and also by Assembly Engineering for Assembly Process Changes) and used by Assembly Engineering to instruct the Assembly operators hot to modify one or more process steps.


is the impact of the failure mode to the customer

Electromigration (EM) test

A test designed to measure the sensitivity of Ics to electromigration, the movement of metallization due to the flow of electric current stress, a wearout failure mechanism

Electrostatic Damage (ESD) Test

A test designed to measure the sensitivity of Ics to damage caused by electrostatic discharges. There are three models (and associated tests) used to evaluate the ESD resistance of Ics, the Human Body Model (HBM), the Machine Model (MM) and the Charged Device Model (CDM)

External Calibrations

Calibrations performed by an outside service including original equipment manufacturers (OEM) and contracted metrology labs. The services provided are in accordance with manufacturers’ specification, ANSI/NCSL Z540-1 requirements and/or ISO 17025.

External Labs

Facilities used for inspection, test or calibration affecting Automotive products shall have a defined scope that includes the capability to perform the required inspection, test or calibration.

EZBUY Transaction

Where a purchase requisition is purchased via a credit card and not processed in the SAP system.

Failure Mode

it is a description of the non-conformance of the product at the operation.


Fab Change Notice

Generic SCD

An SCD written with a particular requirement, such as Tube Labels, packing method and sample request etc. That can be used by any customer.


Global Import/Export Compliance department located in corporate headquarters San Jose


General Quality Agreement (Automotive Customer specific requirements)


General Quality and Approval Standards (Automotive Customer specific requirements)

HAST Similarity Requirement

A product having the same passivation process, same assembly material, and build using the same assembly process as the product that has successfully completed biased HAST.

High Temperature Operating Life (HTOL)

A test which is used to accelerate thermally activated failure mechanisms in Ics by stressing them with electrical bias at elevated temperature. Data from this test is used in reliability modeling to estimate the in-use long term failure rate of Ics.

High Temperature Bake (HTB)

A test designed to determine the effect on Ics of storage at elevated temperature without applied electrical bias.

Highly Accelerated Stress Test (HAST)

A test similar to the standard temperature humidity bias test, but more accelerated by temperature and pressure

Hot Carriers (HC) Test

A test designed to measure the sensitivity of Ics to damage caused by energetic carriers (electrons or holes), a wear-out failure mechanism.

HR Poly

High Resistance Poly Resistor

Indirect Material

Materials used in the manufacturing of product that are not part of the physical makeup of the product. IDT indirect materials may be defined by a material specification which are expensed on receipt and are maintained in SAP inventory as a material. Examples: mask tooling, reticles, chemicals, gases, paper packaging, etc.

Inner Box or Pizza Box

a box bearing IDT Logo and ESD warning, designed to contain and protect products after Tape/Reel operation. There are two (2) different Pizza Box sizes to enable an easier fitting ability of Tape and Reel products.


In electronic design semiconductor intellectual property is a reusable unit of logic, cell, or chip layout design that is the intellectual property of one party

Large Pizza Box

A box (44 mm pizza box) measuring approximately 14"(L) x 14"(W) x 3"(H) used to contain 44mm and above carrier tape width.

Latch-up Test

A test to measure the sensitivity of a component to latch up, an undesirable condition seen in CMOS components when parasitic bipolar devices are triggered.

Long Term FIT

The failure rate, expressed in FIT (failures per billion component hours), as calculated from data taken during dynamic high temperature operating life test. For the calculation method, see QCA-0018.

Low Temperature Operating Life (LTOL)

A test which accelerates thermally activated failure mechanisms (for example hot carrier degradation) by stressing them with electrical bias at low temperature. Wafer-level Hot Carrier Integrity (HCI) test data can be used in place of LTOL test)

Manufacturing Facility

Denotes the facility that subcontracts a manufacturing process or a series of manufacturing process for IDT.

Manufacturing Order (MO):

A form with instructions used to process orders at subcontractors.


Maximum Interior Humidity

Mission Profile

The product field use conditions, the product duty cycle and the product customer, quality and reliability requirements are the components of the mission profile.

Mother Wafer Lot

The original wafer lot from which wafer lot splits are made (i.e., splits at metal mask 2 options which form different Logic devices). Mother lot wafer fabrication numbers end in "0". Successive wafer splits end in "1" on up to the number of splits made from the mother lot.


Material Review Board - non-conforming material to be dispositioned

New Wafer Process

A wafer process in a technology generation that has not been previously qualified at the foundry.


National Institute of Standards and Technology


Non-Conformance Report

No Credit FA (NCFA)

Sample Correlation / Failure Analysis Request. A small quantity of units that may be returned without a pre authorized RMA for the purpose of failure analysis, correlation, and/or evaluation. This sample may represent a larger quantity of devices that may be affected by a suspected problem. These are devices that are generally shipped directly to the Product Line Marketing or Product Line QA department or Factory QA. Typically these units fail at the customer site and the customer is requesting verification of the failure.


Original Equipment Manufacturer.

Obsolete Code

A revision code OBS indicating the specification is no longer active. The Document Change Notice changing status to obsolete removes specification from controlled stations and/or Document Control website fro viewing. The document remains off the system until which time it is brought back active by the Document Change Notice process. The next revision level will be rolled to the next sequential number. i.e. Rev-01 changed to OBS, next revision level of the active spec will be Rev-02.


On-The-Job Training

Outer Box or Master Carton

a box designed to contain & protect up to a maximum of 4 small pizza boxes or 3 large pizza boxes from possible external shock/impact during shipment.

P/T Ratio

A measure of Gauge capability (see Gauge R&R).

Partial Filled Reel

Defined as having sealed carrier tape below the upper portion of the reel window which is approximately 1.3 inches from the edge of the reel.

PC (Pre-Conditioning)

ensures that a device will be able to withstand multiple assembly cycles, and to simulate the stress from Printed Circuit Board assembly that a device in a field operation would receive prior to acceleration stress testing.

PCN system

An electronic on-line web-based system for managing PCN, PDN, Errata request, approval, publish and notification. It is located at http://pcn.idt.com/


Purchase Order - A document contract between IDT and Supplier made by the Purchasing Department for procurement of goods and services. (The physical document (and CO below) is generated and maintained by the SAP system and is not a pre-printed form with typing on it.) In some cases the PO may be printed. The SAP system provides different types of PO's such as Outline Agreements, Framework Orders, and Scheduling Agreements. Generically, the term PO will be used to cover a standard PO as well as the PO types mentioned above.

Policy Statement

Documents which outline direction to be taken by the Corporation and various departments


Purchase Request - A document, electronic or paper, prepared by the Requester to initiate a purchase transaction. The request may be a SAP document, Purchase Requisition, Material or Production Forecast, SAP MRP generated transaction, Stores Stocking Request, or an electronic message (email or ePR) with the required information and approvals.

Preliminary Datasheet

A Preliminary Datasheet describes pre-production devices and is created after the device qualification and design verification is complete. Datasheet specifications are typical or may include minimum and maximum limits. Minor changes should be expected as characteristic spreads become better controlled. Specification details may be changed slightly without notice.

Preview Datasheet

A Preview Datasheet is used to communicate to customers the functionality and performance of proposed additions to a product line. Specifications given are only targets or goals and may be changed in almost any manner without notice. Preview datasheets are typically used for several months and often undergo updates as a result of marketing surveys or feedback from prospective customers. The proposed product might not go beyond a market survey and may never reach production. The Preview Datasheet is created prior to design kickoff, where it is used to communicate the required functionality and performance to the design engineering team for new product design.

Product Discontinuance Notification (PDN)

Method whereby obsolescence to IDT products are officially documented to those customers requesting notification.

Product Option

An option that utilizes a partial mask set change (usually metal and/or metal via masks) to an existing product mask set at a wafer foundry to create a different version of the product.


Plastic Surface Mount Components


Plastic through Hole


Quality Audit Report

QA Clauses

Quality Assurance clauses are customer requirements that are attached and referenced in the customer purchase order. They are requirements in addition to those listed in the customer drawing. These are entered on the SAP System at the time of order entry, and spec writing is responsible for checking QA clauses before the order is released.

QA Coordinator

A delegated team member or a designee who is responsible for organizing an audit team and determining the need for audits.

Revision Code

An alphanumeric character code defining the revision level of a specification/ The revision code "00" shall indicate the initial issue/release of a specification unless otherwise indicated


Return Material Authorization - An authorization procedure to return nonconforming product or material found to have a supplier generated workmanship discrepancy that is returnable under existing contractual agreements to the supplier.

RMA/FAR Database

Database used for tracking RMA/FAR


Returned Material Conformation

RPN (Risk Priority Number)

is the product of Severity (S), Occurrence (O) and Detection (D) ranking which assess or measure the total process risk.

S.A. Number

Shipping Authorization Number used to ship the raw materials to the assembler.


Safety Audit Report


Special Environmental Audit Report


Special Quality Audit Report


Special Safety Audit Report

Sales Order

The number IDT assigns to an order placed by a customer on the backlog for a specific quantity and product.


Scanning Acoustic Microscopy or SAT


SAP is the business system software which IDT uses. BPP is the name used for detailed work procedures which are used to implement the IDT MPx-xxxx relevant materials procurement specifications into SAP. SAP generates PO documents, data, MRP and part demands along with Supplier rating data among other items.

Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)

SEM inspection is used for detailed examination of die surfaces and cross-sections, e.g., to evaluate step coverage


Supplier Corrective Action Request. A corrective action request from a customer to IDT.

Scribeline Process Control Monitor

A test pattern placed in the scribeline of the product that is to be electrically measured after completion of manufacturing.

Small Pizza Box

A box (32 mm pizza box) measuring approximately 14"(L) x 14"(W) x 2½"(H) used to contain 32mm and below carrier tape width Tape And Reel products.

SPC Site Facilitator

a person responsible for overseeing the implementation of SPC at a site and assuring that the minimum requirements for Process Control are in place.

Specification (Document)

An IDT generated policy, procedure, drawing, or form to be used in the manufacturing, testing, and acceptance of IDT products.

Standard RMA

Return of material that is assigned an RMA number from SAP through Customer Service. Note: Any units being returned to IDT or and IDT representative for any purpose (failure analysis, rework, correlation, corrective action, evaluation, etc); must be reported to the Product Line QA department if not previously assigned an RMA number.

Stores Stocking Request

A form used to approve and define a Direct or Indirect Material for purchase and stocking in stores.


Special Test Request, similar to an EATR but used solely by Wafer Fab Engineering

Supercede Code

A specification that has been replaced by another specification using the SUP code in the original specifications revision box. A reference to the new specification number is on the history page of the document.

Temperature Humidity Bias (THB)

A (biased) test designed to evaluated the reliability of non-hermetic packaged Ics in humid environments. Also called "85/85," because the temperature of the test is 85 dec.C and the relative humidity is 85%.

Tier 1 Supplier

A Sole Source with significant business (>5% of IDT Revenue) A major source supplying 50% volume of a commodity or service Tier 1 Suppliers will be reviewed by QA, Purchasing and End users on a biennial basis, for Tier status.

Tier 2 Supplier

Major raw material second sources and other Suppliers that affect customer requirements such as subcontract assembly, fab test, software services, device programming, warehousing or other similar processes that may affect customer product realization.

Time Dependent Dielectric Breakdown (TDDB) Test

A test designed to measure the reliability of dielectric layers, under applied bias, a wear-out failure mechanism.


is the preferred technique to test for Galvanic and direct Chemical corrosion.

Uncontrolled Documents

Any paper specification, which does not bear the RED "Controlled Copy" stamp. Any specification printed from DC Website is considered "Uncontrolled" Uncontrolled documents are not to be used in the direct processing of product and are for reference use only.