How Daisy-Chained Battery ICs Efficiently Monitor and Protect High Voltage Batteries

How Daisy-Chained Battery ICs Efficiently Monitor and Protect High Voltage Batteries

Designers of high voltage, multi-module batteries and the systems that use them can streamline their design and development with integrated battery front end ICs and elegant daisy chaining to address higher voltages.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) – How the Classic Automotive Control Segment Becomes Influenced Blog

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) – How the Classic Automotive Control Segment Becomes Influenced

In the near future, cost-balanced automotive MCUs must cover a wide range of algorithms, like Machine Learning and embedded Artificial Intelligence, control theory, signal processing, and physical modeling.

瑞萨电子中国Mobile和IoT业务高级总监 何凌(右)代表领奖

智能技术引领新工业发展 - 瑞萨电子亮相2021 Aspencore 全球CEO峰会

2021年11月3日,由全球电子技术领域知名媒体集团AspenCore主办的“2021全球高科技领袖论坛 - 全球CEO峰会”在深圳大中华喜来登酒店隆重举行。大会旨在为广大电子产业领域企业和从业者提供深入了解和交流、洞察前沿技术、体验最新尖端产品的平台。瑞萨电子,作为全球卓越的半导体产品及整体解决方案供应商,也参与了此次盛会。

Super Low Ron! Power MOSFET for Mild Hybrid Vehicles - Automotive MOSFET Blog

Super Low Ron! Power MOSFET for Mild Hybrid Vehicles - Automotive MOSFET

Introduction of Power MOSFET products for mild hybrid vehicle.



瑞萨电子正式成为RT-Thread金牌会员。双方将携手合作,在瑞萨电子提供的RA MCU硬件和开发套件上实现RT-Thread支持

RH850/C1M-Ax MCU Solves Complex Control Challenge in Integrated Dual Traction Inverter

RH850/C1M-Ax MCU Solves Complex Control Challenge in Integrated Dual Traction Inverter

The complexity of Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) in terms of combined ICE and e-motor requires sophisticated digital control strategies at optimized cost. Renesas’ xEV portfolio is the key to success.

SparkFun’s new Qwiic Wi-Fi Shield uses Renesas’ DA16200 Module

SparkFun's New Qwiic Wi-Fi Shield Uses Renesas’ DA16200 Module

The Qwicc Wi-Fi Shield based on Renesas’ Wi-Fi DA16200 module, is an Arduino Uno R3 form factor shield that enables rapid development of ultra-low power Wi-Fi IoT applications.

hybrid, power line communication plus sub-GHz RF reference platform (Y-G-HYBRID-PLC-RF)

Renesas Launches its First Hybrid Reference Platform Combining Power Line Communication and Sub-GHz Radio

Renesas’ first hybrid, power line plus sub-GHz RF reference platform is a reference board that supports all key communication protocols such as WiSUN, G3-PLC, G3-PLC Hybrid, PRIME 1.3.6 + 1.4, PRIME Hybrid and Meters and More.

Blog main image RA6M5

RA6M5荣获维科杯•OFweek 2021第六届物联网行业创新技术产品奖

瑞萨电子RA6M5凭借其卓越性能荣获“维科杯•OFweek 2021第六届物联网行业创新技术产品奖—通信技术创新奖”。

Single Board Computer Blog

Renesas' Next-Generation AI Solution – Single Board Computer with Cortex-A55 Core

A compact, single-board computer using next-generation Arm® Cortex®-A55 core with an optimized bill of material is ideally suited for Edge-AI applications.