CEO Message 2024

Letter to Our Stakeholders

“To materialize the ‘2030 Aspiration’ and our purpose of ‘To Make Our Lives Easier,’ we will continue to provide products and solutions that make people’s lives easier. As a member of the global community, we will remain steadfast in our commitment to further enhance our corporate value by addressing environmental issues and contributing to a sustainable society.”

President and CEO
Hidetoshi Shibata

Read CEO Message

2023 Business & Sustainability Report

Fueled by our “2030 Aspiration,” we strive to demonstrate our business and financial strengths to our stakeholders, enhance our customers’ experience through digitalization, and continue to build on our ESG efforts. We invite you to explore our latest report that outlines our 2023 progress and commitment for a sustainable future.

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Sustainability Promotion Structure Response to the TCFD Proposal

Supply Chain

  • Basic Policy
  • Mid-Term Target
  • Supplier Code of Conduct
  • Responsible Minerals Procurement
  • Participation in Initiatives


  • Our Quality Policy
  • Product Safety Policy
  • Quality Governance System
  • Quality Management System
  • Quality Track Record
  • External Certification

Materiality Assessment & Disclosure

Materiality Assessment & Disclosure

Renesas’ purpose, “To Make Our Lives Easier,” is driven by our commitment to aligning our business and sustainability goals and making positive changes for all stakeholders. To identify top strategic priorities, we conducted a materiality assessment engaging various stakeholders. We invite you to learn more about our approach, procedure, and 2022 material issues we will focus on.

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Science Based Targets
Business Ambition for 1-5C

Renesas’ Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Target Certified by SBTi

In August 2022, The Science-Based Target initiative (SBTi) approved Renesas’ emissions reduction targets as consistent with a 1.5°C trajectory endorsed by the Paris Agreement. Our SBTi-approved targets include the reduction of Scope1 and Scope2 GHG emissions by 38% by 2030 (2021 base year) and having 70% of our suppliers by emissions covering Cat1, set science-based targets by 2026.

Learn more

Renesas Green Bond

Green Bond

Renesas issued its first green bond (USD) in November 2021 in overseas markets. Proceeds from the green bond will be used solely for projects that are expected to contribute to the global environment. For details, please refer to the Green Bond Framework. Renesas has obtained a second-party opinion from Sustainalytics, a global ESG assessment entity.

picture_as_pdf Green Bond Framework
picture_as_pdf Second-party Opinion

In November 2022, one year after the issuance of the above Green Bond, Renesas issued the following “Green Report 2022” on the details of the application of the proceeds. Renesas has also obtained a second-party opinion from Sustainalytics for this report.

picture_as_pdf Green Report 2022
picture_as_pdf Second-party Opinion


ESG Data


Contact Us

For inquiries regarding Renesas’ sustainability initiatives, please use the inquiry form below to contact Sustainability Promotion Office.
For inquiries regarding TSCA/REACH/RoHS compliance information and how to dispose of products and packaging, please contact our sales representatives first. That way you will get a quicker response.
For all other inquiries, please click here or please refer to this page.

Inquiry form