

Water Level Measurement

This demonstration kit measures the water level with a one-channel self-capacitance electrode and a one-channel shield electrode using a Renesas capacitive touch key solution. Electrodes and liquid tanks need to be GND shielded with conductors, but the linear values can be measured with one channel of self-capacitance electrodes.


  • Capacitive touch key solution with high sensitivity and high noise immunity
  • High-performance, low-power microcontroller and touch IP achieve product system control and capacitive sensor detection
  • This can also be mixed with conventional touch keys (water level measurement + touch button)

Problems with Conventional Technology (Float Type, Weight Sensor) are Solved by the Renesas Capacitive Sensor Application Demonstration Kit




Type Title Date
Application Note PDF 598 KB 日本語
Manual - Software PDF 481 KB 日本語
Application Note PDF 909 KB 日本語
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Software & Tools - Software Log in to Download ZIP 1.09 MB 日本語
Software & Tools - Software Log in to Download ZIP 1.44 MB
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This reference design solution shows water level measurement using a capacitive touch electrode and the capacitive touch sensor unit feature of the RX130 MCU.

Videos & Training

Water level measurement demo