

The evaluation board is designed to help the customer evaluate the 9ZXL1951D. The device is programmable through an  SMBus interface. The user guide details the board set and connection, as well as the companion GUI installation for communicating to the device. The board has a self-contained USB to SMBus interface.


  • USB powered
  • USB cable
  • User's Guide with Link to Software for PCIe Evaluation Kits 



Type Title Date
Manual - Hardware PDF 884 KB
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Design & Development

Software & Tools

Software Downloads

Type Title Date
Software & Tools - Evaluation Software Log in to Download ZIP 440 KB
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Videos & Training

Generating a PCIe Gen 4 Compliant Reference Clock from a Gen 3 Source Using the 9ZXL1951D

The 9ZXL1951D is designed to create clocks for PCI Express Generation 4. This video demonstrates how the reference clock for the 9ZXL1951D does not need to be PCI Express Gen4 compliant. When using the Low Bandwidth mode, the 9ZXL1951D will attenuate jitter so its output clocks still pass PCI Express Gen4, even when the input clock only passes PCI Express Gen3. This is most useful when the clock has spread spectrum modulation because it is very difficult to make a very low noise spreading clock.

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