

The HA-2556 is a monolithic, High-Speed, four quadrant, analog multiplier constructed in the Intersil Dielectrically Isolated High Frequency Process. The voltage output simplifies many designs by eliminating the current-to-voltage conversion stage required for current output multipliers. The HA-2556 provides a 450V/µs slew rate and maintains 52MHz and 57MHz bandwidths for the X and Y channels respectively, making it an ideal part for use in video systems. The suitability for precision video applications is demonstrated further by the Y-Channel 0. 1dB gain flatness to 5. 0MHz, 1. 5% multiplication error, -50dB feedthrough and differential inputs with 8µA bias current. The HA-2556 also has low differential gain (0. 1%) and phase (0. 1°) errors. The HA-2556 is well suited for AGC circuits as well as mixer applications for sonar, radar, and medical imaging equipment. The HA-2556 is not limited to multiplication applications only; frequency doubling, power detection, as well as many other configurations are possible.


  • High-Speed Voltage Output: 450V/µs
  • Low Multiplication Error: 1.5%
  • Input Bias Currents: 8µA
  • 5MHz Feedthrough: -50dB
  • Wide Y-Channel Bandwidth: 57MHz
  • Wide X-Channel Bandwidth: 52MHz
  • VY 0.1dB Gain Flatness: 5.0MHz
  • Pb-free (RoHS compliant)




  • Military Avionics
  • Missile Guidance Systems
  • Medical Imaging Displays
  • Video Mixers
  • Sonar AGC Processors
  • Radar Signal Conditioning
  • Voltage Controlled Amplifier
  • Vector Generators


Type Title Date
Datasheet PDF 992 KB
Price Increase Notice PDF 257 KB
Application Note PDF 564 KB
Other PDF 519 KB
Price Increase Notice PDF 227 KB
Product Change Notice PDF 98 KB
Application Note PDF 357 KB
Application Note PDF 250 KB
8 items

Design & Development
