

The SMOD electronic module creates an easy way to evaluate the SGAS sensor. An MCU-based electronic module encompasses all measurement and control aspects of SGAS sensors. The factory configured SMOD functions with a specific SGAS sensor type. The SMOD board connects to a Windows PC via a bi-directional USB connection; supplied with an application facilitating SMOD operation. The sensor response is both native resistance units and linearized concentration units.  Sensor operating parameters are customizable.


  • 8.9cm² total PCB area
  • Can be operated by USB power only
  • Embedded microcontroller/EEPROM combination enables "no setup required" operation
  • Supports all advanced modes of sensor operation (feedback heater control, temperature and sensor measurement sequencing
  • Simple ASCII-based communication protocol allows easy integration with external controllers
  • Full-speed USB interface standard; optional I²C and UART interfaces are available



Type Title Date
Manual - Development Tools PDF 656 KB
End Of Life Notice PDF 105 KB
Datasheet PDF 542 KB
3 items

Design & Development

Software & Tools

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Software & Tools - Other Log in to Download ZIP 100 KB
Software & Tools - Software Log in to Download ZIP 248.46 MB
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Videos & Training

How to Test Gas Sensors Without Expensive Laboratory Equipment

IDT (acquired by Renesas) demonstrates how to create your own gas sensor test chamber and source volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using common supplies. This may help some engineers avoid the costs of expensive laboratory equipment or third-party test services.

Demonstrated by Debra Deininger and Christian Meyer at IDT. For more information about IDT's industry-leading gas sensor products, visit Environmental Sensors.