Low Power Wireless Charging Rx

A True Wireless Charging Audio Experience

Gopi explains how to add wireless charging to your earbuds and cut the last wire for a truly wireless stereo experience.

Security Systema Blog

Facial and Voice Recognition for Security Systems

Phil highlights how Renesas solutions can help overcome design challenges for security system applications.

WattShare™ technology

Endless Possibilities with WattShare™ Technology

Gopi describes how WattShare™ power sharing technology can simplify your life and turn you into a superhero.

ZMOD4510 outdoor air quality sensor

Something in the Air Quality

Debra examines the effects of outdoor air quality on an individual’s health and well-being.

Achieve Ultra-Low Power Operation While Simplifying Your System Design Blog

Did You Know You Can Achieve Ultra-Low Power Operation While Simplifying Your System Design?

Renesas serial flash memory solutions offer designers the option to simplify the design, reduce risk, improve reliability and save on external components, simplifying the circuit and reducing BOM cost.

Xilinx Reference Designs

“Free” Engineering for FPGA and SoC Applications

Kevin discusses a reliable method for overcoming FPGA and SoC design challenges.

MicroClock Programmable Clock Generators

Board Space Is Key for Wearable Products

Ben highlights how space-constrained applications like smart devices and embedded systems benefit from the battery and space-saving features of MicroClock™ devices.

IO-Link - The Rise of Smart Factories

IO-Link - The Rise of Smart Factories

Baltazar explains how IO-Link makes it easier and more efficient to design smart connected factories.

Solar for Battery Charging Applications

Power Up – Using Solar for Battery Charging Applications

Daniel discusses solutions for maximizing the efficiency of solar panels in a battery charging application.

Faster Timing Design and Accurate Performance Testing with Jitter Measurement Utility

James highlights the advantages of the online Jitter Measurement Utility designed to increase productivity for board designers