A Tiny RX23E-A Board for Digital Load Cell Blog

A Tiny RX23E-A Board for Digital Load Cell

The RX23E-A, which integrates an MCU and high-precision Analog Front End on a single chip, is ideal for realizing integrated sensing and signal conditioning of a digital load cell in the same housing.

Condition Monitoring ASICs Extend Systems’ Lifetime Blog

Condition Monitoring ASICs Extend Systems’ Lifetime

With an ASIC solution, all the condition monitoring circuitry can be placed on the same chip with all the required electronics for the core function of the product.

The Art of Networking (Series 2): PCIe Goes Automotive Blog

The Art of Networking (Series 2): PCIe Goes Automotive

In this blog, we give a brief background summary of PCIe, what its potential PCIe use cases are and what needs to be looked at to smoothen the adaption path of PCIe in future automotive applications.

Easy Azure IoT Connection! RX65N 32-bit MCU Supports Azure RTOS Blog

Easy Azure IoT Connection! RX65N 32-bit MCU Supports Azure RTOS

The RX family of 32-bit MCUs offers evaluation kits with Azure Certified Device certification, sample code and IDE for deploying Azure RTOS. These enable easy connection to Azure IoT Hub.


FPGAマイコンご紹介 ~FPGAにH8Sを組み込もう~


Renesas will respond to the customer’s expectation for xEV Electrification by state-of-the-art IGBT! Blog

Renesas Will Respond to the Customer’s Expectation for xEV Electrification by State-of-the-Art IGBT!

This blog introduces the xEV market status in Europe, one of the most active areas, and our promotional activities.

Accelerating NCAP2025 Development for Smart Cameras with Open Platform Turnkey Solutions Blog

Accelerating NCAP 2025 Development for Smart Cameras with Open Platform Turnkey Solutions

This blog introduces our turnkey solutions for smart cameras collaborating with LUPA in order to achieve a very short time to market.

RX13T Sensorless 120-Degree Solution Blog

RX13T Sensorless 120-Degree Solution

This solution demonstrates a single motor technique (120-degree/trapezoidal) for BLDC motor control using the Renesas RX13T 32-bit MCU for motor control.

The trend of deep learning architecture in next generation autonomous driving car

The Trend of Deep Learning Architecture in Next Generation Autonomous Driving Cars

In this blog, we explain the trend of deep learning architecture in the next generation of autonomous driving cars.

Remote Industrial Process Monitoring System Solution Blog

Recycle and Redeploy: Turn Your Dissipated Heat into Electrical Energy for a Self-Sustainable Remote Process Monitoring System

This blog presents the benefits of Renesas’ Remote Industrial Process Monitoring System Solution.