Let's try to run the temperature/humidity sensor HS3001 with the entry-level microcontroller RA2E2!

Let's try to run the temperature/humidity sensor HS3001 with the entry-level microcontroller RA2E2!

If you want to use RA2 microcontrollers but don't know where to start, we have good news for you. If you follow this blog, you will be able to set up the RA2 microcontroller development environment and even operate the HS3001 temperature sensor.

Optimized Sub-GHz Band Wi-SUN FAN 1.1 Solution for Wireless IoT Networks

Optimized Sub-GHz Band Wi-SUN FAN 1.1 Solution for Wireless IoT Networks

Developers of wireless IoT device networks and smart meters can overcome their challenges with this wide-area, high-speed wireless communication Wi-SUN FAN 1.1 solution embedding Sub-GHz wireless communication.

Commitment to Quality Ensures Reliability

Commitment to Quality Ensures Reliability!

The importance of quality and reliability in the context of embedded designs cannot be overstated. Read an overview highlighting the decades of Renesas commitment to building quality into our MCU design from concept through production.

Let's try running the RL78 family using the Arduino IDE!

Let's try running the RL78 family using the Arduino IDE!

Do you know that you can run the RL78 using the Arduino IDE, the popular Arduino development environment for beginners and professionals alike?
This blog briefly explains everything from setting up the environment to the application notes that are available to the public.

RX66T Blog: Whole Speed Range Sensorless FOC

Functional Improvement of RX and FOC Motor Control: Achieving Sensorless FOC Across the Entire Speed Range

This blog introduces the features and benefits of RX66T-Based Whole Speed Range Position Sensorless FOC.

RA Family Mainstream: RA4M3, RA6M4, RA6M5 Group BGA Package Product Addition

RA Family Mainstream: RA4M3, RA6M4, RA6M5 Group BGA Package Product Addition

Read about the latest addition of BGA package options to the RA4M3/RA6M4/RA6M5 group of MCUs and how these smaller packages are enabling new use cases.

The Evolution of Power Enhances Our Daily Lives

The Evolution of Power Enhances Our Daily Lives

The RAA211x family of scalable integrated FETs (up to 5A) & high voltage (up to 75V) peak-current mode switching regulators provides easy-to-use multipurpose solutions to meet your power requirements.

Digital Transformation and Enhanced Customer Experience Are Driving the Renesas Renaissance

Digital Transformation and Enhanced Customer Experience Are Driving the Renesas Renaissance

This blog discusses Renesas’ journey toward becoming a full-spectrum technology solutions provider and its latest Winning Combinations program, which triggered a major shift in customer engagement and company mindset.

Vibration Sensing for Motor Control

Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin On

A discussion on how to detect unwanted vibration easily and inexpensively in motor control systems for preventive maintenance / predictive failure analysis.

Start Developing with the RL78 - Essential for Microcomputer Beginners - Part 1

Start Developing with the RL78 - Essential for Microcomputer Beginners - Part 1

Discover the RL78 microcomputer with valuable information that's perfect for beginners. Renesas offers an affordable, user-friendly development environment for RL78, making it easy to build your own system. Plus, you can connect with other developers and share information on the user community site.