IDT公司的“即插即用”参考套件消除了以往的设计障碍,使工程师可以在几小时内 把无线充电集成到产品设计当中


美国加利福尼亚州圣何塞,2015825 - IDT公司(IDT®)(NASDAQ:IDTI)今天宣布推出开创性的一站式解决方案无线充电套件,使得无线充电方案更加方便、实惠和实用地集成到广泛的消费电子产品当中。兼容Qi标准的全新发射器和接收器参考套件可提供“即插即用(plug-and-play)”的轻松集成,使设计工程师能够在几小时之内将无线充电功能整合到他们的设计当中。

IHS电源和无线充电研究经理David Green 评论道:“在现有电子产品中集成无线充电功能是一个复杂的过程,毫无疑问这种复杂性也是减缓其在电子行业得到广泛采用的一个因素。 IDT公司这种自成一体、随时可用的无线充电套件将改变那些尚未集成无线充电功能的电子产品的状况。”


IDT 公司总裁兼首席执行官Greg Waters介绍说: “中低批量应用市场对于无线充电有着巨大需求,这些都是市场中开发不够的部分。通过提供一个预先配置、全面的、开箱即用的现成解决方案,我们使客户能够以非常小、或者根本无需任何工程支持来设计无线充电解决方案。这是一种快速实施和高度可配置的模式,使客户能够充分利用IDT业界领先的无线充电产品。”

发射器和接收器参考套件都是用IDT成熟的无线充电半导体器件来设计实现的,包括易于使用的参考板和全面的设计支持附件。相关的支持材料包括指导视频、用户手册、异物检测(FOD)调整指南、布局指南、布局实例化模块(layout instantiation modules)、原理图、材料清单(BOM)、Gerber文件等等。



Digi-Key Electronics全球半导体部副总裁David Stein 表示:“Digi-Key对这些行业首创的无线充电产品拥有极大的兴趣,我们能够通过digikey.com的无线电登陆页以不到传统评估套件一半的价格来促销此套件。通过即时第二天发货,工程师可以在不到24小时内实现从概念到原型机的设计。此外,完整 的材料清单和预生产样片都可以通过简单地点击几下鼠标完成,当时间预估合适时,生产订单也容易提交。”






About IDT Wireless Power

IDT is a leader in wireless power transmitter and receiver solutions for wireless charger applications, addressing all major standards and technologies with an extensive portfolio of standards-certified products. IDT has proven expertise in both magnetic induction and magnetic resonance technologies, and actively participates in the Wireless Power Consortium (WPC), Power Matters Alliance (PMA), and Alliance for Wireless Power (A4WP) as a board member.  IDT has introduced a number of innovative and award-winning products, including the first true single-chip transmitter, the highest-output-power single chip receiver, and the first dual-mode receiver IC compatible with both WPC and PMA standards. Prominent industry players have recognized this leadership and partnered with IDT as their silicon vendor for next-generation wireless power solutions.

About IDT

Integrated Device Technology, Inc., develops system-level solutions that optimize its customers’ applications. IDT uses its market leadership in timing, serial switching and interfaces, and adds analog and system expertise to provide complete application-optimized, mixed-signal solutions for the communications, computing and consumer segments. Headquartered in San Jose, Calif., IDT has design, manufacturing, sales facilities and distribution partners throughout the world. IDT stock is traded on the NASDAQ Global Select Stock Market® under the symbol “IDTI.” Additional information about IDT is accessible at Follow IDT on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube  and Google+.


IDT and the IDT logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Integrated Device Technology, Inc. All other brands, product names and marks are or may be trademarks or registered trademarks used to identify products or services of their respective owners.

Contact details for publication:
IDT Europe Limited
Phone: +44 (0) 1372 363339
Email: [email protected]

Contact details for editorial enquiries:
Dean Solov
IDT Public Relations Manager
Phone: (408) 284-2608
E-mail: [email protected]

Issued by:
Simon Krelle, Pinnacle Marketing Communications Ltd
Tel: +44 (0) 20 8869 9339
E-mail: [email protected]