

JTAG ICE advice series has evolved further. It has all the functions that are required for developing an actual system.

JTAG ICE debugging tool "adviceXross" has significantly improved response performance by redesigning the hardware. GUI debugger for advice series and enhancing basic functions meet the demands of software development in the increasingly sophisticated and diverse embedded products marketplace. In addition, as support for optimal debugging and test efficiency improvement, it has a hypervisor debug function, test automation function, and large-capacity trace memory. Supports the RZ family (RZ/G, RZ/A, RZ/T, RZ/N series).



  • Improved debugging speed
    • Enhanced debugger responsiveness, high-speed JTAG communication, and streaming trace function
  • Reduced test manpower by test automation
    • Supporting autonomous test by Python script and extended GPIO
  • Support advanced debugging with trace and measurement analysis for complex software environments
    • Debugging functions for embedded Linux and multi-core operating systems
    • Virtual Memory Environment of MMU and Operation Analysis of parallel processing on multicore processor




  • Industrial Automation
  • Industrial Cameras
  • Human Machine Interface System


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Product Brief PDF 326 KB 日本語
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