
创建安全的产品需要一整套的安全解决方案。 瑞萨可以指导您完成安全互联应用的设计和实施,涉及基本的安全概念、密钥处理,到进一步的云连接等高级主题,最后到批量生产和安全固件更新等领域。

Key in chip icon


Certification icon


Idea (lightbulb) coming out of box icon


Shaking hands in globe icon



瑞萨独特的实现安全设计的方法基于一个原则:安全性需要嵌入到 MCU内部,以提供不可分割的硬件信任根。

  • 集成安全芯片的功能
  • 防篡改功能
  • 无限制的安全密钥存储
  • 加密算法硬件加速
  • 抵御 SPA/DPA 攻击
  • 包括 Arm® TrustZone® 在内的隔离技术
  • 设备生命周期管理




安全认证有助于提高人们对瑞萨安全产品的信心。 对于受监管行业应用而言,这些通常是强制性的认证。 它们还可以用于最终产品认证。

认证 设备 链接
NIST FIPS 140-2第 3 级认证 RX65N https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/cryptographic-module-validation-program/certificate/3849
NIST CAVP认证 集成SCE9 的RA MCU https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/cryptographic-algorithm-validation-program/details?product=14609
集成SCE7 的RA MCU https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/cryptographic-algorithm-validation-program/details?product=9622
集成TSIP 的RX MCU https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/cryptographic-algorithm-validation-program/details?product=13470
集成TSIP Lite 的RX MCU https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/cryptographic-algorithm-validation-program/details?product=13469
集成TSIP 的RX MCU https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/cryptographic-algorithm-validation-program/details?product=12176
集成SCE7 的Synergy平台产品 https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/cryptographic-algorithm-validation-program/details?product=9622
PSA 2 级认证 RA6M4 https://www.psacertified.org/products/ra6m4/
PSA 1 级认证 RA4M2、RA4M3、RA6M4、RA6M5 https://www.psacertified.org/products/renesas-ra-family-cortex-m33-mcus/
RA6M1、RA6M2、RA6M3 https://www.psacertified.org/products/renesas-ra6-series-cortex-m4-mcus/
Synergy S5 系列 https://www.psacertified.org/products/renesas-synergy-s5-series-mcus/
SESIP1认证 RA4M2、RA6M3、RA6M4 https://trustcb.com/iot/sesip/sesip-certificates/


瑞萨致力于提供解决方案和各类工具,在为工程师提供自由的创新和差异化能力的同时,仍能满足紧迫的开发计划。 开箱即用,或根据需要定制。 请参阅以下的“文档”和“下载”部分,了解相关解决方案以及更多内容!

Key installing in chip icon

防止克隆、IP 盗窃和基础架构泄露。

Secure update icon


Secure cloud communication icon


Chip with padlock icon



从专门化加密和安全产品设计,到安全生产烧录和设备管理,我们的合作伙伴生态系统将随时为您提供帮助。 请务必查看瑞萨合作伙伴的安全导向的产品和解决方案,以进一步减少开发工作量并加速产品上市。


Title Type Description Company
Security Key Management Tool Solution Toolkit A command-line tool for encrypting the RA family SCE's Protected Mode, DLM keys, Synergy SCE, or the encryption required when using the RX / RE / RZ family TSIP. Renesas
Flexible Software Package (FSP) Software Package FSP is an enhanced software package designed to provide easy-to-use, scalable, high-quality software for embedded system designs using Renesas RA Family of Arm Microcontrollers.
Note: FSP with e² studio Installer (Platform Installer) will install the e² studio tool, FSP packs, GCC toolchain and Segger J-Link drivers required to use this software. No additional installations are required.
Trusted Secure IP Driver Security / Crypto Trusted Secure IP driver software: this software supports AES with 128- and 256-bit keys), AES-GCM, AES-CMAC, and random number generation. Safely executes AES key management, secure updating of firmware, and secure booting at high speeds. Renesas
e² studio IDE and Coding Tool Eclipse-based Renesas integrated development environment (IDE).
[Support MCU/MPU: RA, RE, RX, RL78, RH850, Renesas Synergy, RZ]
(Note: You need to install compiler separately as an additional software)
(Note: No separate e² studio installation required for RA FSP, this will be installed as part of the FSP with e² studio installer (Platform Installer) on GitHub.)
Renesas Flash Programmer (Programming GUI) Programmer (Unit/SW) Flash memory programming software [Support MCU/MPU and devices: RA, RE, RX, RL78, RH850, Renesas Synergy, Power Management, Renesas USB Power Delivery Family, ICs for Motor Driver/Actuator Driver, V850, 78KR, 78K0] Renesas



类型 文档标题 日期
[Software=RX Driver Package|V1.39],[Toolchains=CC-RX|V3.06.00;GNURX|]
登录后下载 ZIP 198.17 MB 日文
应用: 医疗与保健, 建筑自动化, 电器
Compiler: CC-RX, GNURX Function: Application Example IDE: e2 studio
This application project discusses the considerations for securing Data at Rest in an embedded system and provides guidelines on how to use the Security MPU hardware feature of the RA Family MCUs to implement a secure Data at Rest solution.
登录后下载 ZIP 2.66 MB Compiler: ARMCC IDE: e2 studio
[Software=RX Driver Package|V1.41],[Toolchains=CC-RX|V3.05.00;GNURX|;IAR Compiler for RX|v.4.20.01]
登录后下载 ZIP 393.84 MB
应用: 工业, 消费电子产品
Compiler: CC-RX, GNURX, ICCRX Function: Security IDE: e2 studio, IAR EWRX
MCUboot is a secure bootloader for 32-bit MCUs. It defines a common infrastructure for the bootloader, defines system flash layout on microcontroller systems, and provides a secure bootloader that enables easy software update.
登录后下载 ZIP 7.44 MB Compiler: GNU Arm Embedded IDE: e2 studio
The application example provided in this package uses the Secure Crypto Engine (SCE) module based on RA6M3 to generate a device identity unique to each device which is securely stored in the internal flash using the Security Memory Protection Unit (MPU) and the Flash Access Window (FAW) hardware features of the MCU.
登录后下载 ZIP 9.74 MB Compiler: ARMCC IDE: e2 studio
样例程序 登录后下载 ZIP 12.34 MB
样例程序 登录后下载 ZIP 6.53 MB
样例程序 登录后下载 ZIP 12.15 MB
[Toolchains=GCC Arm Embedded|] [Software=RA FSP] [Board=EK-RA2E1]
登录后下载 ZIP 18.39 MB Compiler: GNU Arm Embedded IDE: e2 studio
The application example provided in this package uses the Secure Crypto Engine 9 (SCE9) module based on RA6M4 to generate a pair of ECC keys and uses a local CA to generate the device certificate based on the ECC public key.
登录后下载 ZIP 10.59 MB
样例程序 登录后下载 ZIP 1.93 MB
样例程序 登录后下载 ZIP 2.21 MB
This application project is built with the integrated “Azure IoT SDK for Embedded C” package which allows small embedded (IoT) devices like Renesas RA family of MCUs RA6M3, RA6M4, and RA6M5 to communicate with Azure services.
登录后下载 ZIP 9.71 MB IDE: e2 studio
The application example provided in the package uses AWS IoT Core. The detailed steps in this document show first-time AWS IoT Core users how to configure the AWS IoT Core platform to run this application example.
登录后下载 ZIP 4.89 MB IDE: e2 studio
样例程序 登录后下载 ZIP 2.91 MB Compiler: CC-RX IDE: e2 studio
15 items
RX Family Secure Firmware Update

Sixth in the RX security video series – Renesas walks through the process of encrypting the application program and performing a Secure Firmware Update using the Renesas Secure Flash Programmer so that the plain text of the application program to be updated is not exposed when updating the application program.

0:00:00 Opening
0:00:23 Recommended Viewing
0:00:53 Secure Factory Programming
0:02:10 Secure Firmware Update
0:06:45 For More Information