

The Renesas USB to PMBus adapter (often referred to as a "dongle") is used to connect a demonstration board with a PMBus interface to a PC. The USB to PMBus adapter is powered from the USB output of the host PC. The USB interface utilizes the USB Mini format, and the output uses a standard 2 row, 6 pin header on 0.100 inch centers. The PMBus command set is accessed by using the PowerNavigator™ evaluation software from a PC running Microsoft Windows.

The ISLUSBEVAL1Z is the replacement part for ZLUSBEVAL3Z which is now end of life (EOL).


  • Connect the USB Mini provided between the host computer and the USB to PMBus adapter
  • Connect USB to PMBus adapter to demonstration board to test or evaluate
  • Apply input power (labeled VIN) to the demonstration board
  • Using the host PC's internet browser, navigate to the PowerNavigator™ software page.
  • Follow the download instructions.
  • Once the PowerNavigator™ software is installed, double-click on the PowerNavigator™ icon and follow the software's instructions.



分類 タイトル 日時
マニュアル-開発ツール PDF 257 KB
ガイド PDF 4.68 MB
ガイド PDF 393 KB
3 items




Software title
Software type
PowerNavigator Software
Renesas' PowerNavigator™ software allows simple configuration and monitoring of multiple Digital-DC devices using a PC with a USB interface.
Monitor Debugger/RAM Monitor ルネサス
1 item


分類 タイトル 日時
PCB設計ファイル ZIP 410 KB
ソフトウェア/ツール-その他 ログインしてダウンロード ZIP 120.25 MB
ソフトウェア/ツール-ソフトウェア ログインしてダウンロード ZIP 96.49 MB
PCB設計ファイル ZIP 963 KB
4 items